Здравствуйте, BEO! Очередное Ваше творение чудесно! Фата-вуаль, вообще, мечта моих симочек! Огромнейшее спасибо! Вы не перестаете удивлять и радовать, Ваши творения уже прекрасны, что будет еще, как Вы сказали "В любом случае я стараюсь и надеюсь, что у меня будет получаться от раза к разу все лучше". Ждем (мои симочки и я ) Вашего нового оригинального шедевра, успехов Вам в его создании!
Your website is absolutely gorgeous. The simplicity in the design is perfection along with your creations. I definitely hope to donate soon to encourage you more with your creations! Good luck and my deepest thanks <3
Everything you have made is so Beautiful!!! I am so happy and grateful for the long stunning veil, and to top it you made it so it can be worn together, I will get the slider if I can find who makes it. You work is wonderful, thank you so much for sharing, we have similar taste LOL. Good Luck, and I wish you continued success.
your creations are perfect and so beautiful. i always wanted a tiara that was full of details and i finally found it in your site. i dont know how to thank u
I saw your romantic bride dress on simsresource.com and had to check out your site. Your creations are gorgeous!! I was the creations you had on the first page of the "show all" option all you have for now?