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Today 17.02.2025

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PupettaSims | 14.10.2013 | 14:31 | #145
    OMFG ! Your creations are so perfect for my sims-photographics
    I love it so much ! Your creation have your own package-order

    BEO answered:Thank you! :)

Jaclyn | 10.10.2013 | 07:19 | #144
    I love your stuff. I shall spread the word as often as I can. I gotta ask a question though:

    Where do I get the hair accessory from: airstyles_045-046.php
    the Skysims 45-46 hair synth? It's GORGEOUS!!!

    BEO answered:Thank you! :)
    I added a link to Spider tiara on the page airstyles_045-046.php
    Enjoy! :)

angelomariano | 08.10.2013 | 18:56 | #143
    oh i see, im not upset with that, ill just wait for your next projects ! :)


    BEO answered:I'm very glad! :)

angelomariano | 04.10.2013 | 16:28 | #142
    hello there! i love your creations ! actually my recent blog is a picture with your creations and its found here:) :
    and may i ask you something? if we can request some gowns and dresses to you? that we will send to you if you are willing to make one THANKS AND GOOD LUCK FOR YOUR FUTURE CREATIONS !

    BEO answered:Thank you so much for the comment! Wonderfull picture, I like it :)
    Unfortunately, I do not take requests. I hope you will not be very upset about it.

PinkPSU | 24.09.2013 | 13:36 | #141
    I love its all

    BEO answered:Thank you for the comment! :)

babba12x | 22.09.2013 | 13:39 | #140
    i cant download anything ... adfly keeps coming up

    BEO answered:Please read

Sims101 | 21.09.2013 | 18:55 | #139
    I just have to say again that you make the most imaginative and lovely clothing!

    BEO answered:Thank you! I'm very pleased! :)

Alex | 18.09.2013 | 15:10 | #138
    Your dresses are amazing and so perfectly made! You should be proud of yourself, you are very talented :)

    BEO answered:Thank you so much! :)

Viewiez | 17.09.2013 | 22:16 | #137
    This page is awesome! Thank you so much!

    BEO answered:You are welcome! Thank you for the comment! :)

thank you | 15.09.2013 | 08:21 | #136
    i just want to say thank you for all of your lovely designs your stuff make my sim look beautiful , just one question can you please add links to where can we download the accessories you use
    thank you again

    BEO answered:You are welcome! Thank you for the comment! :)
    Okay, I'll add links.

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