Naomi | 19.01.2014 | 10:13 | #195Your creations are outstanding! thank you so much for your hard work! Just know it's greatly appreciated.BEO answered: You are welcome! Thank you for kind words! :)
Tweety | 17.01.2014 | 22:11 | #194Hello! Thank you so much for sharing your outstanding work! <3 Have a beautiful weekend! BEO answered: You are welcome! Thank you! :)
Kelhana1310 | 09.01.2014 | 19:39 | #193Thank you so much for the lovely creations you have made and you are sharing with the sims community! Am very impressed by your work! keep them coming!BEO answered: You are welcome! Thank you for the comment! :)
stefii_94 | 06.01.2014 | 16:52 | #192Thank you so much for those gorgeous dresses!!! I love them! Please upload more of your creations!!!BEO answered: You are welcome! I will try ;)
Amandasailo | 05.01.2014 | 04:05 | #191The dresses are absolutely gorgeous and elegant but the skirt aren't huge enough.. something like a fairy tale wedding gown.. a huge fabulous gown like Kim Kardashian with Chris :)look forward for that BEO answered: Thank you! :)
hanaonna | 03.01.2014 | 08:46 | #190I love the dresses. So many different styles, all beautiful and romantic! BEO answered: Thank you! :)
Daley6 | 01.01.2014 | 16:46 | #189There are some amazing dresses on this site. i wish they were real BEO answered: Thank you!!! :)
Georgiatv | 29.12.2013 | 06:36 | #188Oh My God. Wedding Dress 22... i'm amazed, i can't even..BEO answered: I'm glad of it. Hopefully speech power returned to you. :)
Ryreen | 28.12.2013 | 01:41 | #187Thanks a lot for your wonderful creations! I'll make good use of them! BEO answered: You are welcome! ;)
melanienegron | 27.12.2013 | 01:11 | #186Hi there! I just found your blog, mesmerized by your designs! In love with all of them!!!!! Thank you so much for your beautiful mind :)BEO answered: Hi! You are welcome! :) Thank you for the comment!