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Today 17.02.2025

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natsuannie | 29.12.2016 | 22:39 | #535
    Could I please get the cas wallpaper you're using? the cream floral one? It's so pretty! <3

    BEO answered:This is not a CAS wallpaper. I put the background in Photoshop using this picture

Vixoniac | 11.12.2016 | 18:09 | #534
    Hey! I simply love your sims 3 designs, although, you Romantic Veil /w crown and flower circlet doesnt show with the hat slider, any idea why?

    BEO answered:Hey!
    Crown and flower circlet are a separate accessories.
    Crown by S-club.
    Flower circlet by me. You can find it here

KG | 14.11.2016 | 02:31 | #533
    Hi, I love you work.

    Your EKATERINA 2 (NOT TRANSPARENT) dress seems to have shoe issues. There is shading or something. Happens with both ea and custom shoes. Hope you understand what i mean. Love those dresses and would love to use them.
    Thank you

    BEO answered:Hi! Thank you :)

    I don't understand. Can you send screenshot?

CrazeeRainbow101 | 13.11.2016 | 01:53 | #532
    Um... how do you extract files from a .rar drive, or whatever?

    BEO answered:After download the .rar files right click on them and using a program that handles archives (WinRAR) extract the package files from the archives.

CrazeeRainbow101 | 04.11.2016 | 22:25 | #531
    Hi, for some reason, I downloaded a lot of your creations, but they are not working. Do you have any idea what might have happened?

    BEO answered:Hi! Do you extracted the files from the .rar archive?

yukiko | 15.09.2016 | 15:18 | #530
    Hi. I have a request.
    Could you please update Lace midi dress 04? Some default shoes texture show up under breast lace. I really like your beautiful creations. Thank you!&#12288;

    BEO answered:Hi! Unfortunately no. It is impossible, otherwise quality will suffer. Please use the custom shoes, for example, by Madlen.

NannyMo | 04.09.2016 | 18:14 | #529
    Your creations are so beautiful. Thank you :)

    BEO answered:Thank you! You are welcome! :)

i | 27.08.2016 | 13:51 | #528
    Why is your DIAMOND RINGS SET in ts4 free and in ts3 you havo to donate?

    BEO answered:Hi! This creation is sponsored and created specially commissioned. So patrons determine the conditions of publication.

buba | 25.08.2016 | 21:13 | #527
    "buba I 04.08.2016 I 20:21 I #521

    can you please convert your brows to ts3?

    BEO answered:
    Sorry, no."

    WHY NOT? It's so sad!!!

    BEO answered:I don't create more for The Sims 3.
    I am sorry that you are sad, but I do not have time for two games.
    I hope for your understanding.

HeavensFallenPhoenix | 14.08.2016 | 01:18 | #526
    Thank you so much for the help! I will email you as soon as I can, for that retexture. :)

    BEO answered:You are welcome! :)

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